Hi OHS Alumni,


I hope everyone is enjoying the summer and this newsletter finds you well.


Planning for this year’s Alumni Weekend, September 22nd to 24th, is on schedule.  I’m happy to report that we have confirmed the Friday Evening Social at the Oneonta Boy’s and Girl’s Club on River Street.  This is the second year the Friday Evening Event is being held at the Boy’s and Girl’s Club.  There is plenty of parking and more than one bathroom.  All events that were held during past Alumni Weekends, the Golf Tournament, Evening Social, Induction Ceremony and luncheon, are on schedule.  Check our website and Facebook page for updates.  A complete summary of Alumni Weekend events is in this Newsletter!  Various Class Reunions are also being held.


Our website (oneontahighalumni.org) and Facebook page (Oneonta High School Alumni Association, Oneonta, NY) have the most current Alumni Weekend information, Alumni news, the 2023 Student Scholarship Awards, Alumni apparel and much more.  Many thanks to our members who have worked hard to maintain our social media.


Our monthly Alumni Association meetings are being held at OHS and on Zoom.  A special thanks to Cathy Lynch for facilitating the use of OHS for our meetings and our Alumni Weekend events.  Our monthly meetings are held in a Classroom rather than the OHS Library, the Classroom computer provides a better Zoom Meeting.  Our meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m., the remaining 2023 meetings are: September 6th  (final preparations for Alumni Weekend) and October 11th.


Thanks to our members who have paid their membership.  Memberships, donations and fund raisers provide funds for student scholarships, newsletters and association activities.


The OHS Class of 2023 Graduation Ceremony was held June 24th.  Congratulations to the graduating seniors!  If you know a graduate, please congratulate them and encourage them to join our association.


The OHS Alumni Association wishes everyone a great rest of the summer.  See you Alumni Weekend!


Andrew Capra, 1981